The Sullivan Six

Almost two months and I am finally 100% absolutely certain Marcille is blue! Her hackles look like they're going to be a little brassy, but she at least looks more red than gold.

Spent today working on getting the hardware cloth on the run. I managed to only step on one pepper (and very lightly, I don't think I hurt it)! The girls enjoyed outside time while I worked on the run. 11yo was supposed to be helping me watch them but he got hot and went inside. Zella was left outside and did a good job of intimidating them into staying on the right side of the chicken wire (she was ignoring them, like a good girl).

Gave the girls their first watermelon yesterday! They loved it. We finally got the bird netting over the top of the run yesterday afternoon. So the girls got to spend the entire afternoon in the run.

And I was so proud of Lady Amalthea, she didn't even fight me a little when I picked her up. I gently clicked my tongue at her she just watched my hands approaching and accepted her fate.

Less proud of the neighbors across the street, who decided to set off fireworks shortly after we got the girls moved out into the run. But at least the girls seemed to get over the initial wtf is that!? and settled down pretty quickly.
I'm so proud of my girls tonight! The automatic door we ordered hasn't arrived yet, so we made a pop door with scrap lumber and went ahead and put a hole in the wall. I spent at least a half an hour this afternoon explaining doors to them (by which I mean we shoved them through from the outside or tool them in and pushed them out from the inside) but I fully expected to have to carry each of them in once it started getting dark.

After dinner I took the dogs out to potty and the girls stood there and made noises at me. (I think they were saying "mummy, we're tired! Mummy, please take us inside") Sp I went into the coop and called to them.

It didn't really work (I didn't really expect it to) but I did get Amalthea and Limu to come over towards the door to see what was going on. So I went back out to the run and grabbed their feeder and when I took it inside they all migrated towards the door. I took a handful of feed and held it just inside the door, and Limu came right up the ramp and through the door!

Every single one of them came in through the door. Even Artemis figured it out once she saw the others doing it. She wasn't even the last one in!
Our first morning using the pop door!
Poor Artemis forgot how doors work! It took her a while to figure it out, and that was after Bibu and Marcille came back in and showed her how to do it a few times. But, she was out in the run an hour later, so she eventually figured it out!
poor Marcille still hasn't grown her tail feathers! It makes her very borb shaped.

It's raining here today, and the girls are convinced they will melt if they set foot outside.
Small problem. With all the rain we've gotten today the wood that makes up the pop door has swollen and now it won't quite close all the way! Fortunately the (metal) automatic door we ordered came in today so this won't be an issue much longer.
We got the automatic door installed today! Aaaaaannnd had our first door mishap tonight. Artemis was sitting in the doorway like a dingdong when the door closed. It stopped and opened back up when it sensed interference, just like it's supposed to.

But then it attempted closing again almost immediately and this time when it touched her on the way down it kept going! Poor girl got her neck stuck in the door! It's a good thing we were there waiting for the door to close or she could have been really hurt.

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