The things our kids bring us....


6 Years
Feb 24, 2013
So I had an emergency. My 15 year old brought me 4 nests of bantam Cochin eggs. Various stages of development!!! (I have since educated her.... ) she let them sit outside for 2 days. 105 during day, low 70's at night. Eggs were cold. I candled and one was internally pipped 2 others ready. Pipped died after I got it in incubator. 1 hatched, other one did not pip. That was 7 days ago.

I have 1 incubator Brower Top Hatch. This means, staggered hatch. Incredibly difficult to manage from what I have read.

Nest 2- 4 eggs due this week. 1 hatched, one I assisted after 25 hrs after external pip because it did not change. Inner membrane had dried out.

Other 2 stopped moving yesterday. I candled today. no internal pip. I suspected mal position in one. Opened it today and it is confirmed. It is the dark chick in the pics below. Membrane still moist. The other one had a huge draw down and you can tell it was shrink wrapped. No internal pip. The membrane is white, not clear, and leathery.

Humidity was 60-65 in incubator. I suspect I should have been higher.

Batch 3 is due in about 3-4 days. Air cells are currently small, so I am drying incubator now.

Nest #4 was on on day 1 or 2 when I candled. Currently they appear to be on track. Due in 6 days.

Ugh, hoping the fluctuations are tolerable. It is a miracle only 8 out of the 26 have perished so far. Of course that is not the final count. I expect to lose more given the extreme circumstances.

Given circumstances, we are lucky to have 3 chicks. What would you do in this situation? 20170909_113046.jpg 20170909_113046.jpg 20170909_113200.jpg
Sadly there are birds in both eggs. Looked in to see why they died. Found it interesting & thought I would share.

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