The Wally-Gee Bee Journey 🐝

@Apis mellifera
How do you get the excess wax cappings out of your strainers? All those little bits that stick in there after the bees have cleaned up all the honey.
Usually what I do is when I'm done straining, I take the strainer outside and flip it over and hit it with cold water from the hose. That will get almost all of it. If there's a little left, you can put it in the oven on aluminum foil and melt it off on the lowest temperature.
Here’s a bottle of our honey.
Between rain showers, I got my 2 colonies semi inspected and set up for the Fall flow. It’s gonna be a while here in MS, but I’m bad about procrastinating and letting premium time get by me. I’m ready this time. The bees in the long hive are starting to draw comb on those new deep foundations. I can’t give them any drawn comb because it’s all medium frames. The other colony got those frames. I saw some really good brood patterns, so I’m feeling good about a strong queen in both colonies.
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