The Wally-Gee Bee Journey šŸ

Does anyone use a feeder box for feeding syrup? I got one with the hive I bought.

Dumb question... how does it not rot out with wet syrup sitting in it? Or do they really eat it up that fast?
Good question. Got any pics so we can see how it is setup? Or how it will be setup once you have your bees.
My bees moved into their new home this afternoon. I had a jacket, hood and gloves. Not gonna lie, I was scared they would eat me up. We hit em with a little smoke and they never got crazy. Standing in the swarm and not getting attacked is weird, but once you see youā€™re good, itā€™s very calming.
Dumb question... how does it not rot out with wet syrup sitting in it? Or do they really eat it up that fast?
Great question. Hive top feeders wont rot out, you're only leaving it on until they build up both hive bodies then rinsing it out and storing it until you need it again maybe in the fall. Fill it with 1:1 sugar syrup. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 gallon of syrup to keep it from getting moldy. When 7 to 8 frames are almost drawn add a second hive body and when that one has 7 to 8 frames drawn remove the feeder and add a honey super.
I have 8 frame boxes. So add another when 5-6 frames are drawn? Or were you talking about an 8 frame set up?
8 frame equipment is excellent. I have 8 and 10 frame boxes and over the years have gravitated towards 8. You're correct, add a second box when 5-6 frames are drawn. Your nuc should build quick. Just add the second box after they settle down for a week or two.
@Apis mellifera, what do you think about this style of feeder?

Is there anything I need to do to get it ready? I did scrape off some propolis/wax and repaint the exterior with a couple coats of white to "make it pretty."

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