The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Ready for some exciting Welsummer news? The following was posted by Little Ameraucana Mom over on my classified.
Quote: Congrats!
Here's a question for Welsummer enthusiasts! We have a 10 month old Wellie who started laying back in the spring, and at first her eggs had lots of big, dark speckles, but lately the speckles are smaller and less distinguishable from the overall color of the egg. She's still eating and laying like crazy, no changes otherwise in her looks, behavior, or eggs. As far as diet, I'm sure she's getting more insects now in the summer months as our five birds free range all day every day in a gigantic fenced yard. Is this decrease over the first year in egg speckles a typical phenomenon for Wellies? Also, I've heard Welsummers only lay for about three years. Is that true?

In my years of breeding the Welsummer I have yet to be able to determine what causes egg color or spots/speckles and the change from one to another. Thus far I'm inclined to believe that it is a combination of genetics, age, and environmental conditions.

For years I've had nothing but dark, "smooth" colored eggs. However, this year I started having eggs show up with large spots and some speckles. I'm convinced that environmental factors play some role as I've seen changes in egg color during what would be high stress periods. Times such as taking them to a show, extreme heat, extreme cold, molting, change in diet/feed and such. I've also noticed the younger pullets seem to have more speckles than the older birds do. And for the record, I started out years ago selecting for the smooth eggs without spots or speckles.

As for rate of lay, the period from 1.5 to 2 years seems to be the best and there is a slight reduction after two years. However, a recent article by Kenny Troiano has convinced me that the best eggs to set are from a hen at least 2 years old. I think he said from 2-4 years but may be mistaken on the latter number. Also, as I recall, he said after 6 years the success rate of hatching and of healthy chicks drops off dramatically. Roosters may be used much longer but his summation is that a hen is born with all the eggs she will lay at birth. So a hen that lays an egg at 6 years of age is laying an egg 6 years old.

I obtained some eggs from some very special Welsummers that were 10-12 years old. If memory serves me correctly, none of them developed at all. I know I didn't get any chicks.

On a parting note, I wanted to say I haven't been on BYC for quite some time and may not be on here with any frequency for awhile. I've got some very serious spiritual warfare going on right now that is affecting me personally and my business as well. Hope to be back as a regular sometime in the near future.

God Bless,

OK, let's get excited.
I just ordered some eggs for hatching. Pictures looked good, so I took a chance. We will see what happens. Got the 'bator fired up and cruising at 99.5F/45RH. Just waiting on the eggs.
This will be the first time I ever attempted to hatch eggs thru the mail - should be interesting.
I've hatched dozens of my eggs in the past, so no surprises there.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Royce, it s always good to hear for you. Hope things turn out ok for you. Keep your head up.

20736 - of course we will need some photo of the results of your hatch. Good luck!

Meanwhile, we are having to be patient with our Welsummer boy. He is now 23 weeks old and making trouble for all the girls. He is supposed to be isolated with a few girls, but he is more worried about the other guys and their girls. He jumps his fence and paces all day outside of their pen. He is aggressive to us and I'm not sure if we should get rid of him or if his actions are due to us being bad cockerel keepers.

It's our first time with cockerels so I don't exactly know what to expect.
Royce, it s always good to hear for you. Hope things turn out ok for you. Keep your head up.

20736 - of course we will need some photo of the results of your hatch. Good luck!

Meanwhile, we are having to be patient with our Welsummer boy. He is now 23 weeks old and making trouble for all the girls. He is supposed to be isolated with a few girls, but he is more worried about the other guys and their girls. He jumps his fence and paces all day outside of their pen. He is aggressive to us and I'm not sure if we should get rid of him or if his actions are due to us being bad cockerel keepers.

It's our first time with cockerels so I don't exactly know what to expect.

I would not breed an aggressive roo, but that's me. If he's aggressive with you at 23 weeks, he'll get worse when he matures.

Good luck with your hatch 20736.

Royce - nice to hear from you. I hope everything works out!
Can I poke in here even though my little welsummer chicks are from the feed store? Or is this strictly a pure breed thread? 

Welcome! The more the merrier and pictures are most welcome :D

Question, has anyone ever had pullets whose ear lobes never became fully red? The 2 that we held back have yet to get the fully red ear lobes and they have started to lay the terra cotta colored eggs. They are either a Jan or Feb hatch. Trying to make sure it's not being caused by a defiency of some sort.

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