The Yetis do indeed exist thread

Now who's talking nonesense! :p

It's more real than the Yeti!
There is far more evidence supporting Dogman than Yeti.
And neither of them exist.
Uh, what rock have you been hiding under for the last year? They did GENETIC TESTING in 2011. GENETIC TESTING that came out positive for the existience of a non-snow-leopard ape-like mammal.

You're too funny. Because there is DNA doesn't automatically mean that its a yeti; it could have been something else as well. With all the satellites and crap we've put here there is NO WAY we could miss it. No way.
No my friend, it is you who is too funny. Do you realise how treacherous and unchartered that area actually is? There are cave and valleys and it's often very bitter there -- most of the sattelites they use can't see through cloud, and do you honestly believe there is some NASA guy scanning every sattelite in orbit for a Yeti? No, there isn't. Rationally, it's very possible that they could, and probably have, missed it. I might remind you that only 90 years ago explorers would return to europe and america with tales of the Okapi or the Java Rhinocerus or the Anaconda and people thought the explorers had gone mad! There aren't many corners of the earth that have been unexplored -- in fact, only a few come to mind -- the Congo Basin, parts of the Himalayas, and some Russian Islands. Also remember animals that were thought to have gone extinct eons ago have been found alive, like the Coelocanth, and animals that have been found recently dead, like an unfrozen Steppe Mammoth carcass. And let's not forget the mysterious and legendary 'Elephant-Death' of the Congo; or the Horned Cats or Burma. Most of these have fossil records, so, like the Coelocanth and the Steppe Mammoth, it may only be a matter of time before you see them in school books or pictures of Noah's Ark.
Banny, if you could, make the longest post on BYC.. about Yeti's...

No my friend, it is you who is too funny. Do you realise how treacherous and unchartered that area actually is? There are cave and valleys and it's often very bitter there -- most of the sattelites they use can't see through cloud, and do you honestly believe there is some NASA guy scanning every sattelite in orbit for a Yeti? No, there isn't. Rationally, it's very possible that they could, and probably have, missed it. I might remind you that only 90 years ago explorers would return to europe and america with tales of the Okapi or the Java Rhinocerus or the Anaconda and people thought the explorers had gone mad! There aren't many corners of the earth that have been unexplored -- in fact, only a few come to mind -- the Congo Basin, parts of the Himalayas, and some Russian Islands. Also remember animals that were thought to have gone extinct eons ago have been found alive, like the Coelocanth, and animals that have been found recently dead, like an unfrozen Steppe Mammoth carcass. And let's not forget the mysterious and legendary 'Elephant-Death' of the Congo; or the Horned Cats or Burma. Most of these have fossil records, so, like the Coelocanth and the Steppe Mammoth, it may only be a matter of time before you see them in school books or pictures of Noah's Ark.

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