The Yetis do indeed exist thread

No my friend, it is you who is too funny. Do you realise how treacherous and unchartered that area actually is? There are cave and valleys and it's often very bitter there -- most of the sattelites they use can't see through cloud, and do you honestly believe there is some NASA guy scanning every sattelite in orbit for a Yeti? No, there isn't. Rationally, it's very possible that they could, and probably have, missed it. I might remind you that only 90 years ago explorers would return to europe and america with tales of the Okapi or the Java Rhinocerus or the Anaconda and people thought the explorers had gone mad! There aren't many corners of the earth that have been unexplored -- in fact, only a few come to mind -- the Congo Basin, parts of the Himalayas, and some Russian Islands. Also remember animals that were thought to have gone extinct eons ago have been found alive, like the Coelocanth, and animals that have been found recently dead, like an unfrozen Steppe Mammoth carcass. And let's not forget the mysterious and legendary 'Elephant-Death' of the Congo; or the Horned Cats or Burma. Most of these have fossil records, so, like the Coelocanth and the Steppe Mammoth, it may only be a matter of time before you see them in school books or pictures of Noah's Ark.

Show me some more evidence that Bigfoot exists. Otherwise I still won't believe. Also while you are at it show me more evidence supporting Nessie, dragons, and all that other bullcrap.
Show me some more evidence that Bigfoot exists. Otherwise I still won't believe. Also while you are at it show me more evidence supporting Nessie, dragons, and all that other bullcrap.
Well, bigfoot is thought to be a prank based on both the Yeti and native american legends, and Nessie is also thought to be a hoax. Dragons and Caddy,however, are a little more real. Heredotus wrote of 'Winged Serpents' in Ethiopia that were a primary food source of an extinct species of Ibis (which he also wrote about).
Winged Serpent is sometimes translated from the same words that Dragon, and some believe these 'Winged Serpents' may have been small relict Pterosaurs. The Ethiopians were said to be deathly afraid of the WSs.
Caddy is just obvious, but like all other deep sea critters, is hard to study because it's never around where we can get to it. Nessie would be believable, except, unlike Caddy, it has no where to flee, so you'd think hard evidence would surface if she did exist.
Elephant-Death is a 'holy monster' or 'curse from the gods' that reportedly lives in the Conga Basin, one of the world's last unchartered regions. Missionaries went into the basin once, and while talking to the natives, they heard stories of the Elephant-Death, an angry beast larger than the Bush Elephants, and very territorial; some natives said they witnesses E-Ds killing elephants for no apparent reason. The natives told of how a few generations ago (probably c. 1970), a troupe of mighty hunters tracked down and killed an E-D. Everyone who ate the beast's flesh died peacfully soon after. Thusly, the natives are horifically afraid of E-Ds, believing them to be a wrath from their gods.
The Burmese Horned Cats are small racoon-like mammals that are said to be Cat-like, with horns and pig-like hooves. Scientists believe it is possible that these are relict Mesonychid (look it up).
Well, bigfoot is thought to be a prank based on both the Yeti and native american legends, and Nessie is also thought to be a hoax. Dragons and Caddy,however, are a little more real. Heredotus wrote of 'Winged Serpents' in Ethiopia that were a primary food source of an extinct species of Ibis (which he also wrote about).
Winged Serpent is sometimes translated from the same words that Dragon, and some believe these 'Winged Serpents' may have been small relict Pterosaurs. The Ethiopians were said to be deathly afraid of the WSs.
Caddy is just obvious, but like all other deep sea critters, is hard to study because it's never around where we can get to it. Nessie would be believable, except, unlike Caddy, it has no where to flee, so you'd think hard evidence would surface if she did exist.
Elephant-Death is a 'holy monster' or 'curse from the gods' that reportedly lives in the Conga Basin, one of the world's last unchartered regions. Missionaries went into the basin once, and while talking to the natives, they heard stories of the Elephant-Death, an angry beast larger than the Bush Elephants, and very territorial; some natives said they witnesses E-Ds killing elephants for no apparent reason. The natives told of how a few generations ago (probably c. 1970), a troupe of mighty hunters tracked down and killed an E-D. Everyone who ate the beast's flesh died peacfully soon after. Thusly, the natives are horifically afraid of E-Ds, believing them to be a wrath from their gods.
The Burmese Horned Cats are small racoon-like mammals that are said to be Cat-like, with horns and pig-like hooves. Scientists believe it is possible that these are relict Mesonychid (look it up).

Yeti is an albino bigfoot...
Wow. I put together a lare list of facts and refferences, and all you can make in argument is an unknowledgable and incorrect trill.

There goes your credibility. :p


I find it hard to believe that there is something lurking around that has hardly ever been "sighted" and a bunch of other crap. Most "videos" and "pictures" are just photoshopped images, and the only DNA that's been found has been closely been related to the ape. There's a species that actually exists here and is related to the ape; its called homo sapien. I'm afraid its your argument that I can't acknowledge.

Gah, I really typed all of that over something this stupid?
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Aah, but again, I have your King in Check; the 'Bigfoot' and the himalayan Yeti are two TOTALLY different cryptids; nobody knowledgable on the subject has EVER claimed they are the same species. And besides, there are no people in the Equatorial Arctic. It just too deadly, and the shurpas do not have feet that big.
Aah, but again, I have your King in Check; the 'Bigfoot' and the himalayan Yeti are two TOTALLY different cryptids; nobody knowledgable on the subject has EVER claimed they are the same species. And besides, there are no people in the Equatorial Arctic. It just too deadly, and the shurpas do not have feet that big.

Then what the he** were the scientists doing there to get the DNA in the first place?

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