There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

Do you mean California or Texas?

Hmm, seems like a task to use Florida Man for.
TX has rules about what is and is not legal. A quick glance seems they're similar to AZ, where you can use ground-based fireworks but anything aerial requires a special permit. So those may be legal if they're low enough. Or they may not be.
Either way…My answer is still no. Sorry, I can’t and won’t send you fireworks…But if you’re feeling lucky then you can do what we did back in the day and go somewhere nearby that has them and stash them away until you plan on using them.
I was joking there.

Lots of people here go crazy with fireworks regardless.
One more for fun:

G’night y’all :cool:
Oh yeah. Tell me about it…I think I’ve just about seen all the worst case scenarios that can possibly happen but then again, there’s always someone out there who surprises me with their lack of brain cells every year.
Someone shot off fireworks in my neighbourhood a couple days ago and scared the daylights out of me. I'm fine with them when they are expected, but shooting them on a random weekday is quite a annoyance.

Also, we live in Texas right now. No brain cells required.
Someone shot off fireworks in my neighbourhood a couple days ago and scared the daylights out of me. I'm fine with them when they are expected, but shooting them on a random weekday is quite a annoyance.

Also, we live in Texas right now. No brain cells required.
That ain’t nothing compared to here. They usually go off almost nonstop for 1-2wks or so leading up to the 4th of July and then stop, bc the po-po come running after people to slap them on the wrist with warnings or fines.

Except for those who escape by running to the hills, of course…:)
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Oh yeah. Tell me about it…I think I’ve just about seen all the worst case scenarios that can possibly happen but then again, there’s always someone out there who surprises me with their lack of brain cells every year.
You met my friend Ted who was lighting quarter sticks of dynamite off of the roof of his car? Yes, beer was involved. Lots of beer.

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