There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

I feel like somewhere deep down inside we're all so broken that it's now just a part of humanity to hate on things we don't like or understand or agree with. It's always been there in at least some way, but I kinda feel like post WW2 it's gotten worse on exponential leaps and bounds. Couple that with the fact that everyone lost their filters during covid, and humanity's all just haters now.

Sucks. Everything is polarized and binary, and we're all losing out as a result.

I went on a bit of a rant the other day to my son about how wwi was the beginning of the end because every generation has been traumatized as a whole for different reasons, which leads to the traumatization of the next generation etc.

Anyway, I'm rambling.
Hey @azurbanclucker what do you think of the bambu labs A1 combo? Do you think it’s a good printer even better if you’ve tested it 🤣
The voxel 3 I started with was a hand-me-down from a good friend who got the A1 combo. He's been running it almost nonstop since he got his replacement bed end of April (Bambu did a big recall on the A1 due to a fire risk). He loves it and the prints look amazing. One thing he did mention is that since it's only a single hotend, color changes waste a lot of filament mid-print. Based on his experience, I highly recommend it.

Next upgrade I do will probably either be an A1 combo or something with dual heads for multicolor.
You know…

I might as well go skydiving in my birthday suit at this point.

Maybe hang off the bottom of the airplane and do a flip while I’m at it.

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