There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

For all that Florida Man stuff, this is quite a shock and disappointment.
Shock? Yes. Disappointment? Naw…
color living GIF
Man. Our rules were "No fire, no cooking unless it's the microwave, no more than 2 friends over at once, and no calls from the police"

And that was STRICT!
Man. Our rules were "No fire, no cooking unless it's the microwave, no more than 2 friends over at once, and no calls from the police"

And that was STRICT!
Strict? Are you kidding me?

Oh, and we still threw stuffed animals regardless. It was more bothersome to Dad. I can see why. Being in the bedroom or the kitchen and hearing constant things hitting the wall with noisy giggling gets annoying.

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