There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

Well, I always have your back. But, you do need to be careful.
I was driving my mom, so I really didn't speed this time. 😌
How is school going? Have you found a job yet?
School is out for the summer, but I was accepted into the nursing program for fall, so I have to pay for that somehow. Hopefully my (nonexistent) job will help. I even applied to McDonalds and they rejected me. :confused: But I'm still applying and not giving up. People just don't want someone with no experience.
I was driving my mom, so I really didn't speed this time. 😌
Yeah, don't speed with Mom in the car for sure.

School is out for the summer, but I was accepted into the nursing program for fall, so I have to pay for that somehow. Hopefully my (nonexistent) job will help. I even applied to McDonalds and they rejected me. :confused: But I'm still applying and not giving up. People just don't want someone with no experience.
Ok, I was thinking you had already started nursing school.

So, I really don't understand that. I mean Mikey D's is a job that requires no experience. Hang in there, and it will happen eventually.

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