These tiny bugs are everywhere! What are they?

I would sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth on them ........if you want to get rid of them They look like some sort of aphid to me. I have found that DE will get rid of them temporarily on my vegetables but when new growth comes out the aphids end up on the parts without DE.... I have heard that Chickens will eat them:) Good Luck
These bugs seemed to pop up overnight, my hub noticed them over the weekend. What are they and how do we get rid of them? We have dealt with chicken lice before on the birds, but having them ALL OVER the run is new. Help!

To my old eyes them there bugs look like trips. Trips are a danger to cotton and maybe to your garden but chickens will likely find trips rather toothsome. Of course your birds will likely need to hunt hard and long to gather enough trips to fill up the hollow place in their gizzards.

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