For roosts I use 2x4 set on their wide side up that are removable from their mounting slots. So I can move them to get across the coop. Still a bit of a pain to take them in and out of the slots, but it saves my back. I know folks will also use joist hangers as pre-made end holders for the 2x4, but just a basic shelf and edge stops made from scrap wood with maybe a wire over top for stability if needed will work. Your roosts of course are super cute, and I adore them. 2"x4" are not nearly as cute.That makes sense! And thank you! We inherited this coop in disrepair, so I've been fixing it up for months. I considered using curtains on the boxes, but I don't think I'll need to anymore.
That's cute that you give them a "foyer" lol.
One thing I don't love about my set up is having to duck under the roosting bars... but I can't think of any other layout that would fit all 15 chickens so it is what it is. Works well, looks nice! Hopefully my back doesn't suffer too much over the yearsit was worse when the box was one long row, so how it is now is much easier for me, at least.