Things you wish you could say

Not trying to scare you but that sounds like severe bruising or bleeding. Blood clots can travel.. heart, goodbye.. brain. well you said he don't have one so no worries there :p

Without getting into your medical history, that is something that could turn life threatening. Maybe the urgency of the situation could be explained with a boot to the head?

Yes… He had been trying to hide it, but my aunt noticed it (she’s a nurse) and insisted he go to the doctor tomorrow. I think she managed to convince him.

I start shaking really bad whenever I see it. I’m worried about him.
Joking aside (for a minute) It could be very serious. The problem is probably vascular.
Diabetes often leads to occluded arteries. Clotting can block blood return, venous and yes, those clots can travel through the heart to the lung. FYI
Yep. I’m worried. And even more worried why he would hide something as big as this. He’s always hid his issues, and refuses help in just about every aspect of life, even though he needs it. It’s like he’s embarrassed, or thinks it makes him look weak.
Yes… He had been trying to hide it, but my aunt noticed it (she’s a nurse) and insisted he go to the doctor tomorrow. I think she managed to convince him.

I start shaking really bad whenever I see it. I’m worried about him.
I'll pray for him. That's such a weird thing to have happen....
Yep. I’m worried. And even more worried why he would hide something as big as this. He’s always hid his issues, and refuses help in just about every aspect of life, even though he needs it. It’s like he’s embarrassed, or thinks it makes him look weak.
It seems to me like some men tend to hide their issues -- both physical and mental -- to try and appear stronger or some such thing, and deny aid for the same reason. So do some women, but it seems to be more common in men.
As far as I'm concerned, it's fine to try and be tough, but when it hurts you in any way, then you're going too far.

Lots of hugs for you, Emma. :hugs
Yep. I’m worried. And even more worried why he would hide something as big as this. He’s always hid his issues, and refuses help in just about every aspect of life, even though he needs it. It’s like he’s embarrassed, or thinks it makes him look weak.
That's men for you. He may have fallen too and landed on it, and don't want you to know either. Because that may bring up issues he is not ready to face either. Why did you fall? where did you fall?? are you taking your meds?? why did you get dizzy?? how long has THIS been going on?? why didn't you tell me??? ...
you get the idea.

Good luck with him and don't be afraid to yell at him, shame him if you need at this point, to get medical attention. You selfish old 43$#% what about the kids who lose their father / grandfather because of YOUR selfish pride / ignornace...... Normally not recommended to go the shame route but sometimes a slap in the face gets ones attention.

I spend a lot of my time at the hospital trying to convince men (and sometimes women) they can't just Bull their way through this one.
I try to tell them that they may have to spend a 'week in the shop' before they get back on the road. It helps that I'm as hard headed as them and I get it.
You may need one of his peers to talk to him.
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Frame it so he can oh ok FINE..... grumble WOMAN... grumble

I'll do it JUST to shut you the hell up, leave me alone already.......
Then he can go tell his buddies that, *I* didn't care but NOooooo. the woman freaked out and I HAD to goto the hospital to quiet her down so I could get some sleep!!

He saves face in front of his friends, still is the grumpy ole tuff one who don't need no doctors or any of that stupid stuff to live and is STILL the one in charge!! He only did it because YOU made such a fuss... It's YOUR fault . (Which fits nicely because ya all women blame us for everything anyways right? :p )

At the end of the day, feelings preserved, kingliness remains unchallenged, and the arm is looked at and taken care of by a real doctor and not joe the drunken golf partner at the 19th hole.


P.S. If he fusses and moans on the trip to the ER, tell him oh quit crying you big baby and offer him one of your hygeine products and say do you need this??? Trust me, he won't say another word :D

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