Things you wish you could say

To certain persons of extremely poor grammar:

Please learn how to use proper punctuation. Your 180-word run-on sentences are both confusing and time-wasting to read.
That's easier said than done, unfortunately.
My grown nephew wants to write a book. He has an interesting biographical story to be sure, but he types a wall of words with no clue about punctuation, paragraphs, spelling, capitalization, nor grammar - not to mention limited descriptive vocabulary. And he wants ME to edit and proofread for him. I don't even know where to start because it needs to be completely re-written. Like erase and start over. :he
He could try having ChatGPT rewrite it for him, but I'm not sure how helpful that'd be if he couldn't write sufficiently clear prompts.
You do not sign my checks.
You do not live here.
I don't work for you.
I barely finish my already authorized tasks in the allotted time.
What makes you think you can throw more time consuming tasks (which do not come under my job description) to the workload I already have to juggle?
Your method of 'without instruction, try doing this right and I'll tell you if you did it wrong', sucks.
No, I'll will NOT 'text you if I have any questions', I will ask my employers -the people who's approval actually matters to me.
See above.
A rooster doesn't equal a hen.

I can say it, but I don't let myself add the "what?!"
NO ONE wants to trade a hen for your rooster!
If you don't want your rooster, chances are very high that no one else does either. :barnie
Nope. The word they meant was "canning." They left out an N, and were surprised "no one did this."
Considering that "caning" is a real word for at least three different activities, it would have been confusing even if they did not mean "canning."

I find some older posts about caning (polymer clay technique):

I don't find any threads on the kind of caning that involves weaving canes into things like chair seats.

I didn't spot any posts about the kind of caning that is a form of physical punishment, and I sincerely hope no-one is doing that form.

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