I must have gotten some boring horses because most of the time, they were good! I need to think about the times I've had with them and their mishaps. Hard to think!
My mom has a Hafflinger that in the Summer time will wade out into the middle of the little pond to eat the lillypads. This of course sends my mother into a tizzy since he is standing in about a foot of mud and the water is already up to his belly. There are nice big water snakes and snapping turtles that can take your hand off. She starts yelling at him to get out of the water, rattles the grain bucket, waves carrots, but alas he stands there like he is stuck. She goes and drags the canoe down to the pond paddles out to get him and just as she gets about 3 ft away he turns and starts splashing/jumping to get out. Of course this tips the canoe and my mom is now in the pond with the pony looking at her from shore as if to "hey dummy what are you doing out there". This happens every year. I have told my mom to just leave him. If he gets stuck we will get the loader and get him out.