I use the millet, White millet. They do like it or a bit of alfalfa hay works too. They never got the hang of eating the meal worms and they are expensive. If I didn't hate jumping bugs so much I would go to the pet store and get them a box of crickets. They love crickets! Right now I'm out of all but the alfalfa so that does the trick. If I can get one in the next one is not far behind. Then the male who is always the last finally parades enough and then finally walks so VERY slowly in like he is the King. LOL Just keep thinking that Baby!
Raen, where in Southern Maine do you live? I am only about 30 min from the border of Maine. We come in around Acton, Sanford area. It's nice to know someone lives fairly close by from on here.
Raen, where in Southern Maine do you live? I am only about 30 min from the border of Maine. We come in around Acton, Sanford area. It's nice to know someone lives fairly close by from on here.
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