Thinking of getting some ducks, any tips?

I was gonna ask the same question 🤣
And just like that
Disappear GIF
I would say that a duck’s version of friendliness is different from other animals. Friendly ducks may come when called, follow you, hang out with you, eat from your hand, chew on you.. but they will not like when you approach them or try to pick them up. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you, it’s just how they are! Respect their feelings, and they will trust you more.

Some people love on their ducks too much, and the ducks become “too friendly,” meaning, they see you as a mate. Not good for many reasons.
Hello everybody! Recently I've been considering getting some ducks, I own large farmland and I know all about how to care for them, I'm just wondering if there's anything I should know, thank you friends!
1. Do your research, ducks have very different needs than chickens.
2. Do NOT buy them from Tractor Supply unless you are ok with too many drakes. Unlike chickens, ducks are sold only as straight run at feed stores. But, the many of the hatcheries, including the one that sells to Tractor Supply, sell sexed ducklings. So, since you only want one drake to 4-5 hens, people end up buying the hens from the hatchery and the drakes end up at the store. I hope that makes sense.
Personally, I have had better success hatching eggs or buying from local breeders.

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