this site is absolutely horrible

Reading this as I'm sitting at my home office desk supposed to be working on paperwork......
Just about the only time I do "quick peeks" at BYC and my other favorite forum is when I have the baby over here. Actually she's not a baby - she's 3 - but she's the youngest grand so to me she's "the baby." I get to take care of her while Mom and Dad work every day. But she takes a lot of extra attention, so mostly I pop in, check subscriptions, respond to some, and then pop back off. On and off, on and off! But Kendra takes a lot of special care, so after she leaves is when I sit on here and stay on here, for way too long and way too often. I have learned so doggone much here and at the other site that my confidence has gone way up. Ken will come in and ask me about something the chickens are doing or not doing and I'll just say, "That's okay - they do that and it's nothing to worry about!" A year ago I would have flown out there, grabbed every chicken and checked it over thoroughly, then came flying back in here to ask about it.
me too, can't believe how long I end up on line. You don't know how many pots on the stove have boiled over or almost melted down - while I just go to check BYC for a minute.
Well, not really funny about the melting pots, but I still have to laugh.

I came here about 1 1/2 hours ago and it was only going to be for a few minutes....I am STILL here!!!
I too am guilty of BYC addiction!! I swear I'm only going to come and have a quick check to see whats happening and it all goes wrong!! The glue has me stuck down and I just can't leave. One post turns into another then another and another and just the last one!! Reading articles is the same, read one which leads to wanting to read another and another. The circle just never ends and where does the time go? :barnie

I have to confess that I've just nearly let the bath over flow while on here, caught it just in time :oops:
6 days ago I became a mom of 3 chicks. I have only been on BYC every chance I can. I now know why my husband is always on his sites. This is an absolutely horrible addiction. Thanks for being here with the advice.
6 days ago I became a mom of 3 chicks. I have only been on BYC every chance I can. I now know why my husband is always on his sites. This is an absolutely horrible addiction. Thanks for being here with the advice.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

If you are already addicted to BYC on your first day, just wait! You will need a serious intervention to pull yourself away!!

Welcome to our flock!

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