Thoughts on Cozy Heater Panels


In the Brooder
Sep 15, 2024
Hello Fellow Chicken Heads,

Need some advise on Cozy Heater Panels inside the coop. We are coming up to a Cold Snap this week here in MA and it has me concerned for the girls. Temps are suppose to drop to single digits with winds at 10-15 mph.

Just wanted to have some input from some more experienced chicken owners.

Thank You in advanced
We use four of them in the growout/breeding pens.

The younger chicks lean up to them and they shut off if they would happen to tip over. Extremely safe. They will not heat much of an area, if at all. It's just for them to stand or sleep by if they get cold.

Welcome to BYC! :frow
Hello friend!
In MA as well and really not looking forward to the next several days.
I've always kept a panel in the coop in the winters but only turn it on when we're getting truly evil cold like this, and only use the higher setting with this -15F windchill; my general rule is it doesn't go on unless we're in single digits. I have it on the "feet" stands against one side of the coop rather than hanging it to the coop wall as I think this would allow the wood wall to leech heat out, better to let air circulate around it but I could be wrong about that - certainly happens often enough lol. I've never seen my ladies actively leaning on it though it does create some ambient warmth. Maybe I pay the electric bill to make myself feel I'm doing the best I can for them, more than them needing it? 😅
I have two, attacked to my coop wall. I only use them when it's 15F or below. When it's extra cold, like -15F, I'll keep it on all night/day. They definitely take the edge off a bit.

However, I saw so many posts about coops catching on fire that it does scare me. I've only heard of coop fires from actual heat lamps though.

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