Three batches of chickens and ducks too.

My big old black rooster has been loosing his feathers around his neck? He looks awful.

  • Because he's old?

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Jo C Stay

In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2017
1. My old chickens, some I bought that were already laying, always stay in the back yard. A mix of Ameraucanas, Blacks and Reds.
2. The chickens I hatched after all of there fore-fathers and mothers mysteriously disappeared, hang out in the middle and front yard just like there parents did. One golden roo, two golden hens plus one each red roo and hen.
3. My black Silkies stay in the middle yard which is fenced. Can't fly over the 4' chain link.
Silkies ended up being only seven girls and ten roosters. (Anyone want a Black Silkie Rooster?)
Everyone gets to free range everyday.

Just purchased 16 (17) ducks. Seems they always ship an extra one just in case. I bought four different kinds just for fun. I purchased them sexed because of the Black Silkie issue. Three girls and one male: Jumbo Pekin, Fawn & White Runner, Blue Runner, White Crested.
Love having chickens for eggs and entertainment and my husband loves duck eggs so purchased them for him plus for entertainment.
Just installed a 6' chain link around the entire perimeter of our yard (1.3 acres) to add to there safety. So far it's working just great!
Reading about fermenting so stared my first batch today. My local feed store carries Organic layer feed and scratch feed which I plan on purchasing and fermenting as well.
Should I be fermenting for my ducks too? If so, at what age is it ok to start them?

I've never raised ducks so can't answer the fermented feed question. Members over on the Duck forum would know, try posting your question here:Ducks

Congrats on the expanding flock of poultry!

I've never raised ducks so can't answer the fermented feed question. Members over on the Duck forum would know, try posting your question here:Ducks

Congrats on the expanding flock of poultry!

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