Three injured chickens.

I'm sorry for your losses. Wishing you the best of luck treating your survivors. With Azygous's instructions and your attention, they should recover. Patience and time. Well wishes.

Thank you for the well wishes. I already gave them the solution that @azygous recommended for shock. I also went and got some medicine for the wounds on the Barred Plymouth Rock.

All of them are drinking, even the injured ones. I put the food closer to the amber white that’s having trouble moving. I did this with the water also.

Thanks again for the well wishes.
I have another update:

The Amber White had to be put down. She was just laying on her side with her eyes closed, breathing really heavy. You could tell she was getting ready to pass on.

After putting her out of her misery, I found her wound that she got from the raccoon. It was pretty bad, I would rather not go into details. I think she had a major infection from the bite and was getting ready to pass on.

From 13 chickens starting off, I’m down to six, potentially five with the way the Barred Plymouth rock is behaving.


She’s standing in one place, keeping her eyes closed. However, she’s also exploring outside now. I think she’s gonna be OK. Not sure why she’s standing around with her eyes closed, though.

I’ll keep an eye on this one and update as I go along.
Is it cold in the coop? I'd personally bring the injured birds into a warmer place (but not too warm) like a garage to recover, if you have one.

It’s actually pretty warm in there. Walls are lined with black paper, to help out with keeping heat in. Walls are also insulated.

Even if they weren’t, there’s no way for me to bring them inside. My father says no. I tried explaining what the forum said, but he is really against it. Probably because when I had the brooder in the basement, it really smelled up the place.

I’m currently doing all my can to help the last injured chicken.
That's great news! Thanks for the update. Hopefully, you will never incur another experience like that ever again.

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