Ticked off Neighbors!

Nope the parents havent said a WORD!
For the sake of neighborhood peace I planed on re homing the roos bc even tho chickens are allowed I do think the roos **could** fall under a noise ordinance.
Ill try posting them for new homes again.
Thanks all for listening to my rant!
If you like your roo, keep it. If you are abiding by the law and you are allowed to have him and he is on YOUR property then you have every right to keep him. Do not bow to the neighbors!!! If they are allowed to let their yard to look like trash then you are allowed to have your crowing roo. I don't know what the noise ordinance is your city but in mine it has to be quiet by 10pm at night until about 5-6 in the morning. I doubt your roo will break that too often.
Humm Ill have check my hours BC he usally goes off at 6ish, and just crows here & there during the day.
Sigh, I wonder sometimes if nearly everyone in this country is a jerk (excluding you BYCers of course
) I never get into arguments with others and try to keep the peace, but there are so many people who just take advantage of friendly people....so I just keep to myself as much as I can (luckily I don't have any neighbors close by) Good luck with your predicament and hopefully both you and your neighbors will come to an agreement of some sort
Your neighbors should come live over here in Thailand and they'll soon get used to living with all types of neighbors. There's just no way on earth any Thai family would get rid of their chickens, or even their roosters simply because someone in the area doesn't like the sound of them crowing. It's very much a matter of live and let live over here, and while it can sometimes get to you, it works both ways.

My neighbors over here are not Thais and neither do they live here permanently. They only come for three months of the year and when they were here last year, they complained about my goat making a noise in the mornings (she calls out a little bit when it's feeding time), and then they complained about one of my dogs barking (no an excessive barker). Of course when they come over later in the year, I don't doubt they'll have something to say about the fact that I now have chickens. My point is I actually live here, and there is no way I'm willing to change the way our family lives just in order to please someone who only uses their home as a holiday house. The way I see it is if they wanted total solitude, they should have bought a house in one of the walled developments. Oh, and I have told them so by the way.

If your neighbors don't want to live next door to people who have chickens, then why the hell don't they live somewhere where it's not allowed.

Anyway, good luck.
Gosh Im so glad we are rural.We Have cows horses poinie's surrounding Us My One close nieghbor has some chickens and goats and cows, one acoross road uses pature for cows' and a neighbor about another 1/4 mile has chickens and turkey.My numerous Roos crow at all hour's and the cows smell and sometimes get out.No one complain's about crowing I guess We far enough apart they dont even hear them.I let neighbor free range cattle or ponies/ horses on about 2 unused acres here and I keep an eye on them as well as neighbor's across road.It's been Harmonious most time's for 6 year's here.But sometimes issues but none between neighbor's really.We look out for each other and stock basicly.So sorry you having trouble's.I would go adress the parent's over there personaly and ask if your bird's have caused any problem's such as plant destruction etc.You are liable if they go on someones property and eat flowers planted landscaping etc.You may be suprised the the REAL homeowners not a punk who kicks chickens don't mind them at all.Be a good neighbor first hand and face the owners with issue's.I hope it work's out for ya Gosh I love all my roo's and would hate to think some dummy out there is Offended by a roo crowing.Try living in Burb's surrounded by teen punk's with stereo's and car's with stereo's once and have to be up at 3am sometime's for work!
Presumably you would prefer to keep your birds rather than get rid of them because of the behaviour of a couple of kids. Why not talk to the parents about what's happened and see what their view is?
Hey, where are you in Thailand? We're near to Korat.

We live in a village and have the same sound effects as you. Add to chickens the dogs, food vendors at 6.00am and the occasional mobile trader with a PA and you have it. Our turkeys answer any noise with a loud chorus so we give as good as we get. As you say, it's live and let live. Start upsetting people here and all of that help one gets will disappear.

Have you noticed how quiet it is after nightfall, except when a family is celebrating a marriage, monkhood or death? We sit on our verandah after the turkeys are bedded down and listen to the seasonal noises. Frogs, tookai, night birds and several unidentified jungle noises. It's so peaceful compared with town life.
WRONG and a poor assumption on you part!?

Where was the info on the neighbor's dogs that led you to that conclusion???? We all WHINE when a neighbor's pets gets on OUR property and some of us even applaud when the 'dog' (or whatever) is shot as a consequence...
HOWEVER its the chicken owner in the wrong in this situation as the chicken was on the NEIGHBORS property..(would any of us be OK with the neighbor SHOOTING The chicks!?? (rhetorically and of course not!)

To be honest, its OUR responsibility to keep out chickens in OUR yard period..

To the original poster, have a STRAIGHT UP conversation with you neighbor, apologize for clearly being the wrong, tell them you UNDERSTAND how they feel and TELL them what you are doing to make it right...(getting rid of the roosters etc..) essentially call a truce..(include the kids)..I think you will be pleasantly surprised that you will make allies of former enemies and it will go along way to establishing peace in the neighbor that will pay dividends for a long time! Good luck!
Presumably you would prefer to keep your birds rather than get rid of them because of the behaviour of a couple of kids. Why not talk to the parents about what's happened and see what their view is?

I agree, I would go and talk with the parents. They may not know what their kids are up too. My chickens were supposed to be all girls, but one has turned out to be a roo. I ask my neighbors often to make sure that he isnt bothering them. I have let them all know if he becomes an issue I will rehome him ( it would hurt me and the kids something fierce). I have one neighbor who crows back at him, they have conversations!!!!!

Good Luck!!!

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