Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

Milagro has been reunited with mama. So far so good. The other chick looks good, too! Cute n yellow. Not sure what I'm going to call her yet.
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Third egg is pipped! Hoping it doesn't look like either of the other two chicks so I can tell everyone apart. Fingers crossed she stays a good mama, this has been such a good experience so far!

Yay! I love a happy ending!!
Usually by now you would know if she were going to be crazy. I can't wait to see update pics once she's up and they're all dry!
My incubator has very wonky plastic that makes it super hard to get photos but this is chick #1.
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I'm up to 5 more pips, 4 normal pips and one on the wrong end
So as I expected, not a single egg made it, from my "I messed it up"batch. To be fair, because I lost another chicken, I got mad and just threw them in from the ones I had in pantry.

The second batch I selected the ones I wanted, as they were laid and kept them in the fridge around 10°C. From the 10, two weren't fertilised, and one had a blood ring. But the seven are looking good. They are in the incubator that you have to hand turn the rolls with a string, so no slacking off and forgetting, so maybe just the incubator for forgetful me! 🙄
Too bad...and I am sorry you lost a chicken.
Good luck with the 7... it's a lucky number, no? You could set your cell phone alarm to remind you to turn. Gosh, that makes me so grateful for my Heka... I would have lost out if I had to remind myself to turn the eggs every day!!!
Hello all I believe I hurt the chick when making a breathing hole but I fully believe it was going to die anyway so I’m upset but more upset about another factor.
I feel I need to warn new hatchers.
I opened a few of my eggs I did not want to but I had to know. ALL of these babies were shrink wrapped.
I live in New York State the climate and my home are dry right now. I have a pellet stove I know this is a factor even though I was told it was not. I was told by many many people on here dry hatch is best. I posted many times on different forums about my humidity and was told to keep it low. Now that may be true for people who live in places with a higher humidity but if you are in my area or somewhere that is very dry now. PLEASE do not keep your humidity as dry as me. I should’ve kept it at about 50 and if I saw the air cells were small I would’ve just let the humidity drop which would’ve been very simple as it was such a chore to keep it up.
I didn’t follow my instincts and a bunch of innocent babies died because of it.
Right now I can not prove for sure that it was the humidity, but this next hatch I will be starting today I will keep higher and I have a very good feeling my results will be better.
I appreciate all the advice I have gotten and it is no fault but my own to have when against what I felt was right but among so many people who are saying low humidity is best I want to please say take your area into consideration please.
I’m happy I have some healthy babies I am praying this next hatch will go better.

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