Tomaru Longcrowers...

that's good information, I'm still trying to do some research as to what features to keep/cull other than the crow. I don't have the space to hang on to them and wait until they are all two years old and then cull just for crow length

I thought their faces and combs changed colors summer/winter and that as they mature most get some or all red, I'll have to research that some more
I would love to get some Tomaru, but the only place offering chicks is Sandhill... any thoughts on the quality of their birds?
I would love to get some Tomaru, but the only place offering chicks is Sandhill... any thoughts on the quality of their birds? 

My stock came from Wynette, who got hers from Sandhill through a friend. I think that mine are decent stock, very nice feathering. I am happy with mine, and I am selling hatching eggs now. Getting about 5 eggs a day from 6 pullets.
My stock came from Wynette, who got hers from Sandhill through a friend. I think that mine are decent stock, very nice feathering. I am happy with mine, and I am selling hatching eggs now. Getting about 5 eggs a day from 6 pullets.
I would love to get some hatching eggs, but it would be a few months before I could get any (current outside temp is 26 and we are still getting single digit temps). I might order some chicks from Sandhill and order some of your eggs too (since Sandhill can fall through and there is no guarantee I would get chicks before I could get eggs and hatch some). I see there is also an auction going for Tomaru that are supposed to be not hatchery lines.
Ah, I wish I could promote this bird more. They aren't flashy, but I think the roos are my favorite of all the breeds I have. Very calm natured, not flighty or aggressive. I have to say that living in the suburbs I was a little worried about the crow, but honestly, they are the quietest roosters I have. The crow, while longer is not as obnoxious as a banty crow. Very low and mellow. They also seem to crow less often than any of my other roos. I had two hens go broody, but they didn't do a great job in the hatching dept. Only two babies. I've culled down to two roosters due to space, but I just love these boys.

Updated pics

What color are the chicks? I got some chicks from Sandhill a few weeks ago, and the ones I think are Tomaru are black with some white. And how do you pronounce the name? I have wanted some of these since I first heard about them, so I am excited!

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