Dec 4, 2015 #1 faceache Chirping 5 Years May 8, 2014 102 6 73 Uk Here is milania in her jumper due to a molt she looks great and warmed up quick too but the other girls ran away from her so had to take it off lol
Here is milania in her jumper due to a molt she looks great and warmed up quick too but the other girls ran away from her so had to take it off lol
Dec 4, 2015 #2 N F C Moderator BYC Staff Premium Feather Member 11 Years Dec 12, 2013 137,280 728,130 2,392 KY Too cute! Did you make her jumper? Maybe the other girls were just jealous because they didn't have a pretty new jumper
Too cute! Did you make her jumper? Maybe the other girls were just jealous because they didn't have a pretty new jumper
Dec 4, 2015 Thread starter #3 faceache Chirping 5 Years May 8, 2014 102 6 73 Uk Lol yeah they acted like an alien had landed she was just stood there confused lol no I brought it off eBay I can't knit
Lol yeah they acted like an alien had landed she was just stood there confused lol no I brought it off eBay I can't knit
Dec 4, 2015 #4 N F C Moderator BYC Staff Premium Feather Member 11 Years Dec 12, 2013 137,280 728,130 2,392 KY I can't knit either. My chickens probably think that's a good thing
Dec 4, 2015 #5 Hholly Songster Jul 3, 2015 1,332 245 206 Amo, IN Aw! Very cute! Too bad the others didn't think so.
Dec 4, 2015 #6 b.hromada Flock Mistress 14 Years Jan 9, 2009 15,721 974 501 south Florida, Pompano Beach Awwwwwww. She looks adorable! Thanks for sharing.