Too hot for broody hen? šŸ„µ


Rounding up cockerels
Premium Feather Member
Feb 21, 2023
Itā€™s pretty hot here for me and my flock and I have a broody hen. Iā€™m super worried about her sheā€™s just standing over her eggs and panting! I donā€™t know what to do! Will she be okay or do I need to pull her off for a little?
How hot is 'pretty hot'? , and is she in direct sunlight?
No sheā€™s in the coop and itā€™s 98 degrees Fahrenheit. I know itā€™s not that hot for some people but here it doesnā€™t usually get above 90 just randomly in the summer.
I donā€™t know how hot it is in the coop but Iā€™m guessing hotter?
Put a therm in there and find out. ;)

How is the ventilation on your coop?

I'd give her some electrolytes.
Will do! It has two little windows in the front and a big long one in the back. I have some so Iā€™ll give her some tomorrow. Unfortunately itā€™s supposed to be really hot tomorrow and then cool down.

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