

9 Years
Oct 8, 2015
I've had chickens for almost a decade now but have always ordered strictly pullets direct from the hatchery & have been lucky enough that the sexers got it right 100% of the time. I ordered Easter Egger pullets for the first time & the hatchery did advise me that their sexing for them is only 80% accurate. They will be 12 weeks old on Monday. I've never had a Roo so I'm not entirely sure what saddle feathers look like at this age but I'm beginning to think Geraldine is really Gerald! He/she/it is EXTREMELY active, gets in everyone's business, seems more brightly & splashily colored then the others & I'm PRETTY certain has saddle feathers. Can you guys tell from these pics if I've got a Geraldine or a Gerald on my hands?


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One last general question since I've never had a Roo....I have 17 of these EE youngsters. If I assume the hatchery DID mis-sex 20% of them, that's 3.4 roosters - so 3 or 4 of them. I assume they will reach an age when they start fighting one another & I'll have to cull all but one of them. I'd like to give it some time to figure out which one will be the easiest to deal with & which ones are going to be little jerks. Knowing they're 12 wks, about how much time do I have to figure out which one to keep & which to cull before I start having cock fights on my hands?
One last general question since I've never had a Roo....I have 17 of these EE youngsters. If I assume the hatchery DID mis-sex 20% of them, that's 3.4 roosters - so 3 or 4 of them. I assume they will reach an age when they start fighting one another & I'll have to cull all but one of them. I'd like to give it some time to figure out which one will be the easiest to deal with & which ones are going to be little jerks. Knowing they're 12 wks, about how much time do I have to figure out which one to keep & which to cull before I start having cock fights on my hands?
I have 13 hens and two males, I've never had a fight. Some will, some won't. Watch out how they treat the hens and how they act around you.

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