Tractor supply sale $1 ea

I think you've got more than two breeds present.

In post #11, the last picture, just to the right of center, there is a chick that looks different than the other spotted chicks. This one has much more red on its head, more black on its breast, and I'm pretty sure it's got a rose comb. It's probably a Wyandotte (Gold Laced) or a Hamburg (Gold Penciled or Gold Spangled.)
you are right definitely another breed in the mix


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Does Hoover’s even carry those though? I doubt a feed store would have such a rare breed. Not to burst any bubbles. But I don’t see them on the website.
I discovered that our Arizona Tractor Supply stores get their in-house chicks from a local hatchery called Privetts in NM. But when you order from them, they fill the order with Hoovers. You might ask your tractor supply exactly which hatchery the in-store chicks came from and then email that hatchery with a picture for them to identify...
You got a better selection of breeds than the TSC I go to in Windsor, Ca. They were doing the $1 chick sale last week when I was there.

They only had lavender Orpingtons, australorp, Barred rock, EE, and some unidentifiable bantam breeds.

I must admit the lavender Orpingtons caught my eyes, but after looking at them for a couple minutes. I noticed a flattened dead chick in the brooder and notified a clerk about it. I felt bad for them cause I can smell the ammonia build up from the brooder. It hasn't been cleaned in a while.
The Brown chicks with the dark brown stripe are Easter Egg ers or Ameracaunas. Darker grey\black ones might be Cookoos Marans or Barred Rocks. The white ones with the brown stripes might be another kind of Easter egger.

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