Trying to hatch abandoned eggs


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2017
This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. I have a broody hen who hatched 7 babies, but after 3 days of no more chicks hatching, I noticed she abandoned her nest and moved away from the eggs. That night she was laying on them, but around 10 the next morning when I went to check on her she was totally removed from the situation and her eggs were getting cold. I brought the rest of her eggs inside and I'm trying to finish the hatch job myself. They must only have a day or two left so I'm using my broody Chicken heating plate at the perfect distance from the eggs to keep it at around 95°. With a little Pyrex full of water placed on top. I placed a 2 inch thick layer of small pine shavings on the bottom. I've had them in this makeshift incubator situation for about 3 days and I noticed today that one of the chicks is pecking it's shell. Will the pine shavings layer hinder the chicks from pepping/pecking around the shell?
I wouldn't think it would hinder them. Chickens hatch in many different nesting situations, from whatever is in a nest box to whatever rogue hens use when they hide their clutches in an outdoor nest. I would just monitor to make sure, and thin out the layer around the shell if you find such action is needed. That's great that one is hatching and that you were able to get to at least one of the eggs on time!
Thank you so much! She, I hope!, hatched out within 20 minutes! It was amazing to watch! Now I'm just hoping that some of the other obviously fertilized eggs make it. But at least I got one, like you said :)

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