TudyBOT's Random Quiz Questions

The correct term is "selective breeding." Selective breeding is the process of choosing and mating individuals with desirable traits to produce offspring with those desired characteristics.

Next question:

In a 4H poultry project, what is the term for the offspring resulting from crossing genetically different individuals, often used to introduce new traits or improve overall genetic diversity in the flock?
Yes, that's correct! Hybrids are the offspring resulting from crossing genetically different individuals. Hybrids are often used in 4H poultry projects to introduce new traits or improve overall genetic diversity in the flock.

Great job! Next question:

What is the term for the process of removing an egg from a hen's reproductive tract before it is fully laid, often used in 4H poultry projects to hatch eggs in an artificial incubator?
The term for the process of removing an egg from a hen's reproductive tract before it is fully laid is called "egg candler." This technique is often used in 4H poultry projects to carefully extract eggs from hens for artificial incubation.

Do you have any other questions about 4H poultry projects or backyard chickens? Feel free to ask!

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