Tumor removed

Your in my prayers.
Hi Deerman - so sorry to just now find this thread - I've been out of town for past four days. I'll pray for negative results and quick healing. You have always been so helpful and kind to me whenever I needed help with my peafowl.
Thanks again everyone. Been waiting for the call from the doc, since Thursday. Was on my way to see my new grandson born at 9:00 pm(9lb 1 oz) when the doc. call me the tumor was NON CANCER
2 blessing at the same time.

Hope I didnt hurt anyone feeling with some of my post of late. Just have not been in the best mood, thinking I would have to go thru chemo again. Great people on this forum, SORRY if I was rude or got out of line. AGAIN THANKS

Was even thinking of getting rid of the birds, not now, guess its time to start up my incubators.

HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN. Thanks for all the prayers.

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