Tumors on young hen?


Jun 26, 2024
My orpington hen which was previously dosed with 21 days of antibiotic for pnuemonia has recovered from that. But never caught up in terms of weight with the other flock mates. She is about 5 months i am guessing and 2.3lbs. Small. Poops are probably never solid. Either foamy brown or clear liquid etc despite probiotics.
Anyway she now has several lumps on her breast area, fairly large about 3/4-1" and hard, not mobile when manipulated.
No other symptoms. But could it be something else or is this a cursed chicken?
And of course she is the sweetest one.
Sorry for your loss. It really helps to see pictures of lumps or lesions. I had thought of possible ingrown feather cysts when reading your first post. In what state are you located? Most state vets in the US will do a necropsy to look for possible causes of death. She may have succumbed to her respiratory disease, secondary infection, or maybe something like Mareks disease which decreases immunity to common diseases.
Sorry for your loss. It really helps to see pictures of lumps or lesions. I had thought of possible ingrown feather cysts when reading your first post. In what state are you located? Most state vets in the US will do a necropsy to look for possible causes of death. She may have succumbed to her respiratory disease, secondary infection, or maybe something like Mareks disease which decreases immunity to common diseases.
Thank you. I hoped it was something in the dermis as well, but the lumps being hard and unmoveable meant to me that they were anchored on to the muscle layer. The hardness meant tissue instead of fluid. As time went on another came up.
She didnt seem uncomfortable doing normal chicken things but in the later stages it would cause her to very softly (very hard to hear) wheeze or gasp slightly only when picked up. I guessed it was pushing in on her.
She had fully recovered from the pnuemonia during the course of her antibiotic treatment.
There was no autopsy, the other chickens are strong and healthy.
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