Turkens and Silkies


6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
I recently reduced my flock of Buffs and went and got some Turkens. So ugly that they are cute....LOL.

The man at the feed store stated that a mix of Turken and Silkie is an a mix that many search for. I never heard of this. Has anyone else?
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I dont know anyone that wants a Turken/silkie mix. Almost everyone i meet wants pure silkies.
The feed store person may be referring to "showgirls" which is a "naked neck silkie".

I would not put much trust in the words of a feed store employee, unless they show/breed chickens.
I am not going to try it, but he was saying that three generations of breeding, and went on and on. Just thought it was a weird choice and figured I would see whats out there.
I have a turken hen in my silkie and showgirl pen. My roo is a showgirl. I gave a few of her eggs to someone off this forum, who was looking for some funky looking chicks to hatch out. They hatched with black skin and naked necks. They definitely aren't in high demand but I'm sure there are a few people here and there who like something "different."
I recently reduced my flock of Buffs and went and got some Turkens. So ugly that they are cute....LOL.

The man at the feed store stated that a mix of Turken and Silkie is an a mix that many search for. I never heard of this. Has anyone else?
I actually just hatched one today, it's all black with 5 toes & naked neck, silkie/turken mix, it is absolutely adorable, I'll post a picture in a few days.
I actually just hatched one today, it's all black with 5 toes & naked neck, silkie/turken mix, it is absolutely adorable, I'll post a picture in a few days.

This thread is actually very old (2013), so you probably won't get any responses from previous posters. But I'd love to see a picture of your newly hatched chick!

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