Turkey poult death


9 Years
Feb 27, 2015
We had 2 Royal Palm poults that were almost 6 weeks. They were fine last night, went up this morning for their grand introduction to moving outside, one was dead. These are our first turkeys and I have read a lot and know turkeys are more sensitive. No clear reason why it died. My question is about the living Turkey - is he/she going to be ok on her own? Our feed store has some older poults left, but I don't know if it's wise to get another.

*edit - when i picked the Turkey up to bury it, I saw that it seemed to have a bloody (poop? Discharge) near its vent.
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We had 2 Royal Palm poults that were almost 6 weeks. They were fine last night, went up this morning for their grand introduction to moving outside, one was dead. These are our first turkeys and I have read a lot and know turkeys are more sensitive. No clear reason why it died. My question is about the living Turkey - is he/she going to be ok on her own? Our feed store has some older poults left, but I don't know if it's wise to get another.
If you can get more, do it. Turkeys are very social and do best with others of their own kind.

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