Turkey vent prolapse


May 22, 2020
We grabbed an injured poult at the feed store yesterday. Its back end was bloody. Once we got him cleaned up he was definitely pecked and seems prolapsed. It's very tiny, a bit larger than a pea. (I estimate the poult at a week old, his wings are feathered.)

I've researched everything I can about this with honey, sugar, Prep. H. My question is about his body's process: when I press it in it slides in easily, but as soon as he chirps or wiggles it pops back out. Do I need to hold it in a set amount of time? Am I looking for his body to hold it in at some point when I press it in, or will I check on him at some random time and it will just be absorbed back in? I'm trying to learn what milestones to look for.

Currently I'm doctoring him about every 4 hours. He doesn't seem to be in pain, spirits are good, he eats and drinks. I sanitize it and have apllied Prep H each time. I'm going to try the honey. Should I do an Epsom soak?

Thank you.


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