Two Roos


Nov 29, 2018
I live in Louisville, KY. I have somehow gone from 1 chicken to 8 chickens. We thought we had 7 hens and 1 roo but unbeknownst to us some were misrepresented and we have 3 roos and 5 hens. They are approximately 7-8 months old. They have been mostly good until recently. They have started attacking one another and flogging my children. We are wanting to rehome two of the roosters. Because I am fairly new to being a chicken owner and I bought from Rural Kings I do not know exactly what type of chickens they are but indo have pictures.


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Are ALL the cockerels flogging your children? If they are, ALL of them need to go.
Do you have a second smaller coop away from the pullets you could put all the cockerels until they can be rehomed? That will reduce aggression (nothing to fight over).
I too ended up with an extra cockerel and had to choose between the two. However, I do not have children to consider when I made my choice. I found a good home for the nicer cockerel. My "not as nice" boy is maturing just fine with a few attitude adjustments from me.
You really are not in a position to deal with any level of aggression from a cockerel. If one of them isn't NICE, all should go. And even if one is, he may turn not so nice once his competition has been removed.
Unless your children are older and capable of handling cockerel's aggression and the entire family is prepared to deal with that potential, you should remove all the males from the flock.
Good luck.
Are ALL the cockerels flogging your children? If they are, ALL of them need to go.
One, that is not pictured is in the process of being rehomed already. He is a game fowl and is our smallest but most aggressive. The white is not aggressive at all. The brown spotted has only recently become aggressive. Regardless. I don't have extra time to invest and my daughter (9yo) who provides most of their care with assistance from myself or my husband as needed. She is now afraid of all of the roos because the second has started becoming aggressive within the past two weeks. I'm not certain if something new has triggered this behavior.

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