UGH!!!!!! I gotta go take water to all the chickens ......


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
If the weather does what they say, I will be lugging water from the house for chickens and horses most of the week........ These winters are getting worse every year, I guess I need to look at the bright side, the sun is shining.......
Yeah, we are here in GA and it is COLD, at least the wind is not blowing like yesterday, that was BRUTAL!!!!!!
Welcome to my world......I carry water from the utility room pretty much all winter long to my birds. Every once in a while it will get warm enough to lay a hose out, but not often enough!! It takes me at least 6 trips to get all the pens watered. Luckily we have a windmill to pump water for the cattle.
My mom gave me a whirligig for Christmas that has a mama hen and chicks on it. When the wind blows they all peck the ground. It's really cute! With all this wind though those chickies have been pecking like crazy. It cracks me up everytime I see it.

You know, I'm pretty sure it said in The Southerners Handbook that it wasn't supposed to get this cold down here. I'm pretty sure it wasn't in my contract... I'm just sayin'...
Katy, I feel for you, one reason I stay in the South...... We had to carry water for the horses yesterday and I had to go pay $40 for a heated bucket for my older mare, she grew up in Florida and this cold weather is not good for her drinking habits. Looks like I will have to go this week and buy a stock tank heater for outside to keep her drinking.

It even got to freezing in Florida, which is pretty rare, of course it does happen, then on Christmas while we were down there it was mid 70's
I just got in about an hour ago. 2 trips of hot water for the goaties, 1 trip for the chickens. 6 gallons of hot water in all. Oh, and I forgot the dogs, so 7 gallons. I lost a little BC Marans pullet last night. I'm about to go out and tarp the other side of the pen to see if that helps.I really dont want to have to start cranking up the propane heaters all ready.
I agree, CityGirl. Kentucky used to get pretty cold, but in the 10 years I've lived in VA, I've never seen it snow this early or this much or the temps ever get this low. Brrrr....

I'll be filling buckets of hot water in the kitchen sink, walking them through the kitchen, through the den, down the stairs, through the playroom and the laundry room, then out the back door, load them into the wagon and walk 100 yards to the coop for a bunch of chickens who think it's too cold to lay eggs.
Oh Lisa, I am so sorry about that
My Little Bantam EE Rooster , Muffin, is acting odd I think he and Mort, the hen will go in the barn in the cage tonight with a light. I think this year Hubby and I are going to roof all the pens totally and then next winter we can hang tarps and hopefully keep down the mud and the cold.

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