UGH!!!!!! I gotta go take water to all the chickens ......

That's looking on the bright side!
WOW--You guys must really be suffering...I never thought about the animals not being acclimated to cold! If you have babies that are sad! So what kinds of temps are you talking? And for how long? I guess it could be a potential problem if yo werent expecting it. (sorry if I sounded harsh in my last post!) So can you get ahose from the garden center and run it out the back door? At least then you wouldnt have to fill buckets and carry them out and through the whole house!
4 1/2 hours watering...OMG I could not imagine! Praying for a bit of a "heat wave" for all you guys down South! Keep on Keepin' On! Stay warm...Terri O in WI
(PS) just think...this summer there will be less bugs to worry about--cold has it's advantages!
Oh it's not soo bady....It gives me fresh air and that fresh rosy glow on my face from wind chap.....

I have one pump near the house ....on city water (luckily had installed last year and it's freeze proof) and I just keep filling up gallon jugs and toting or use a small bucket.....I cannot carry the huge buckets....

The hoses do get frozen....

No, I'm blessed, we have electricity, heat, feed and work that never ends....

You're just fine, You did nothing wrong.

Peace and Happy New Years!
bargain, we finally ran cords and heat lamps over the water containers. the chickens are so cold and two look kind of weak so we moved them in tha house. you must love farming to do what you do. maybe the cold will break soon. i hope you dont have anymore losses.
I'm in New York and it's been such a cold winter this year. And you know what? It's hard keeping chickens in this cold! Making sure they all have enough feed (that isn't frozen) shoveling paths for the gals to walk and peck around in, changing the waterers, and just plain trying to keep them alive and of course happy - it's crazy! Oh yeah, not to mention keeping them safe from the abundant hawks that seem to be all around. I've never been so fond of summer (seriously). Whatever happened to global warming?

I agree, CityGirl. Kentucky used to get pretty cold, but in the 10 years I've lived in VA, I've never seen it snow this early or this much or the temps ever get this low. Brrrr....

I'll be filling buckets of hot water in the kitchen sink, walking them through the kitchen, through the den, down the stairs, through the playroom and the laundry room, then out the back door, load them into the wagon and walk 100 yards to the coop for a bunch of chickens who think it's too cold to lay eggs.
its real cold in Ga. but atleast we dont have to deal with the snow. i cant imagine raising birds that far north as NY. bargain, my incubater that i made from the mini fridge is working great. i hope to get some eggs from you and lockedhearts this spring. we are getting a doz eggs aday somedays still. we are running two incubaters and selling them at auctions, there is one this Sat. have you heard of Coranation Sussex? [spelling?]
Oh sheesh. lol. One week of cold has already got you guys complaining.

I've been hauling water for a month to 4 pens of goats, a pen of horses, 7 chicken pens, and cats. I have one water pump, and the animals are each in a different spot over the 12 acres.

It's 3 degrees, not counting wind chill here.
It sounds like I'm in the same watering-misery as everyone else, although last night's refill experience took it to a whole new level... after thawing out their watering can I filled it up with luke warm water... when I got to the coop and tried to let go I felt the top layer of my skin come off... ooooh it stung!! It was a scene straight out of the Christmas Story movie - except my tongue wasn't involved.

I told DH that this year's "Chicken Project" (after finishing their extended run - once things dry out), is to figure out how to get water and permanent electricity out to the coop before next winter!!
After reading all the above posts, I'm really glad my flock is small (10 bantams). Makes my work easier. I'm wishing though that the coop was closer to the house. My back didn't like shoveling a path to the coop after that pre-Christmas snowstorm. The old gray mare definitely ain't what she used to be.

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