Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens !!

I know that's a fact!
Please do! ! I enlarged it for anyone that wants it. I'm dying to know if it will print okay.

I just did some adjustments and made a cleaner version... there are some slight flaws in the white areas but I don't think they'll print.

First one: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/3buZv6XTwSlqnthdCZvkhg?feat=directlink
2 (cleaner): http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/IV1Ygf_daDm8lwNmrhVZAg?feat=directlink

... bah. I risked waking up the toddler and printed it. The smaller text (that makes up the paragraph) is too pixilated. It looks awful. I hope I didn't waste anyone's ink! I was hoping the high dpi would take care of that.

Well, it prints nicely directly from photoshop. I need to save it as something other than jpeg maybe? Let me fidget with things. I'm not good with printers!
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I went to the second link... copied the image and pasted it into paintbrush... altered the settings to nearly 0 margins and to landscape and managed to fit TWO on one page. Printed perfectly and I think would make a PERFECT FLYER... I can hand them out along with my "Shortest Political Quiz" doorhangers, and my LP.org bumper stickers.

Saved that to photobucket if anyone else is stuck with paintbrush as their only photo program...


I donno, I think the graininess makes it more realistic...
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Thanks pineapple!
And, I've always wanted to mention that I love your avatar.

I'll email the actual photoshop document to anyone that wants to go that route.
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hmmmm, wonder if I could convince our homeowner assoc president that Uncle Sam insists I keep chickens. Think it still counts if your allergic to chicken eggs?
Sent you a PM Tofu... and thanks for the compli on the avi... paintbrush is annoying, but it works sometimes.

And allergies smallergies... does your aging grandmother have the allergy? No? Well the eggs ARE for her, and the ones in the market have all those meds in them that counteract her antipsychotics... really it's absolutely necessary.

Well... it wouldn't hurt to try anyways... maybe throw in that if they can't get her meds straight then she'll be moving in with you?
and it was such a peaceful neighborhood until grandma moved in.. Bet the chics seem less of a issue now!

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