I have 13 Barred Rock hens which are in a 400 sq ft secure run attd to their coop. They are 13 months old and have been very healthy. They have had regular access to dust baths and eat 17% protein organic crumbles. I clean the coop every 2 to 3 weeks, except boxes every other cleaning because they get frustrated with that change. I do pull out the poo every day.
Very recently, I noticed Maxine's waddles and combs were pale. Found that she also has red stripes/small patches on her belly. They is a little scaliness in that area too. She was un the dust bath at least 4 times yesterday, a little much, even for her. Otherwise, she acts normal. The others also normal and still have their regular red color.
On checking, I noticed about 3 others with small red patches/stripes/scales on their bellies and some short feathers. Those, however, seem more like new feathers instead of broken ones.
I sprayed their bellies with an herbal garlic tonic last night and wrapped each roost which tape sticky side out last night. I didn't note anything from the tape, and bellies don't look red this morning other than a spot or two.
Maxine still looks a bit pale today but acts chipper. When I've inspected the chickens, I don't note anything moving, although the sand they bathe in is really fine, so it's sometimes hard to see everything at the base of the feather clearly. Nothing moves though unless I blow on it.
As a side note, it was really hot for a long while, then cool and now hot again.
Sorry for all the rambling, but I want to give you as much bkgrd on this puzzle as possible. Any ideas are appreciated.
Very recently, I noticed Maxine's waddles and combs were pale. Found that she also has red stripes/small patches on her belly. They is a little scaliness in that area too. She was un the dust bath at least 4 times yesterday, a little much, even for her. Otherwise, she acts normal. The others also normal and still have their regular red color.
On checking, I noticed about 3 others with small red patches/stripes/scales on their bellies and some short feathers. Those, however, seem more like new feathers instead of broken ones.
I sprayed their bellies with an herbal garlic tonic last night and wrapped each roost which tape sticky side out last night. I didn't note anything from the tape, and bellies don't look red this morning other than a spot or two.
Maxine still looks a bit pale today but acts chipper. When I've inspected the chickens, I don't note anything moving, although the sand they bathe in is really fine, so it's sometimes hard to see everything at the base of the feather clearly. Nothing moves though unless I blow on it.
As a side note, it was really hot for a long while, then cool and now hot again.
Sorry for all the rambling, but I want to give you as much bkgrd on this puzzle as possible. Any ideas are appreciated.