Unusual female duck behavior


May 5, 2020
Kendallville Indiana, US
If you have female ducks you will probably know by now how loud they can get. My Khaki Campbell usually quacks super loud at random times of the day but usually no more more than twice a day and not every day. This is what I mean by quacking super loud

Well today she’s been doing it so much more, About 10 times. I can’t find a reason why she keeps doing this, she’s only a little over 3 months, no predators near by, and she’s not being separated by the flock. Any reasons why she would be doing this? Im not really concerned about it because she is acting perfectly fine besides the loud quacking. I am just wondering why she is doing it so much more than normal.
My ducks do that but a lot of them in a row. And they do it in the morning more than day/night
I realized for my ducks they mostly do it when they want to swim and their pool is low on water or go outside of their pen.
We live right across the lake and they LOVE going there. There is also wild geese that have been coming to my house for some odd reason and I feel like she’s the one calling them, however I don’t think the geese are being friendly so I just scare them off. I think she just wanted attention because I went outside to pet her and as soon as I left she started quacking again. So I came back and gave her a treat and she hasn’t quacked since then. :)
Quack back to her see if she quacks back to you ! I know that sounds stupid but when I quack at my mallards the hens will let loose with a Quack! Quack! Quack! super loud in anticipation of some goodies on the way . Oh yes ! I talk to them all when a female is going broody she will quack a more steady quack and ruffle up her feathers and sometimes go at the other ducks acting bossy . Does this Help?
All my girls quack back when I quack at them like that, its usually my buff duck(ducky) that starts it, they have been doing it since ducklings!!!!

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