Unwell chicken, again. (Water diarrhea)


Emu obsessed
Sep 8, 2022
Here I am, again, asking for help.

I have a hen that's about 2 years old, she along with her sister have always been our best egg layers. Though on the 12th of september I realised she's having diarrhea, like hell. Just normal diarrhea, I caught her and had to clean her because it was horrible, it just kept running and running. But, stupidly of me, I didn't think too much about it.

Now comes sunday, the 15th. I keep catching her all fluffed up, standing alone- eyes closed. So, I try to catch her to see whats wrong (and obviously she comes back to life to get away from me), though as I'm trying to corner her back into the coop, she shits out literal water. Well, that's not a good sign.

I catch her, and I can't see anything except for a runny bum and bumblefoot,
Though bumblefoot can't be causing this, can it? The bumblefoot isn't even at the worst stage yet.

I know I should probably send pictures of her, but unfortunately can't at this moment. I might add some later though,
I don't know what I'm asking at this point anymore,, just what could be wrong with her?
I might just euthanise her today because I don't want her to feel unwell, but I also can't take care of her everyday to undergo whatever treatment. I'm in school right now, and I don't have the time to go to the farm everyday due to living in 2 places

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