I haven't read all the replies yet. My SIL did this with our niece who is now 14 and in 10th grade. After watching her suffer extreme boredom through Kindergarten despite the fact she was allowed to go to 1st grade math class in the afternoons, SIL decided to have her skip 1st grade and go into 2nd grade. She had just turned 6 at the beginning of August. If I'm remembering correctly the school strongly advised them not to do it. Academically I think they have been happy with the choice although she is so bright that she still has to find ways to challenge herself beyond the classroom. She's a tall girl so physically she fit in well. As her classmates reached the pre-puberty stage I think there were some tough times but this is a girl who never gets caught up in trends anyway so I'm not sure that would have been any different if she'd stayed with her same age classmates. She's managed to find like-minded friends. Oh and SIL made this choice having done the same thing herself as a child. I don't know if that is at all helpful. I know it isn't an easy choice and wish you luck in making it.
I don't know if it will help, but I was 12 at the start of my freshman year in high school and 16 at the start of my senior year. For me anyhow age was never a factor in how I did. I was still in the top 10 academically and had no trouble handling my college freshman year even though lots were way older than me. I remember there was quite a family spat when I first started school and my grandfather finally told everyone to just let me fly. I am so grateful he did, because they listened.
I went through this in school. I was bored right from the start. They wanted to move me ahead, but my grandparents (who raised me) kept me where I was until 2nd grade. At that point I was put into advanced classes, which I found interesting, challenging, and fun. By 10th grade I was asked if I wanted to start college courses at PSU which is close by. My grandparents felt that might be pushing a little too much. Throwing a 16 year old into a college lifestyle. In some ways I wish they had let me, but in others I am glad they didn't. It's just my opinion, but maybe the three times a week thing will give her some challenge and yet staying where she is gives her the socialization with kids her own age. I think that is very important too. If in another year or so maybe she would benefit from moving forward. Good luck though, go with your gut feeling, it is usually right.
Well I started kindergarten when I was 4. I turned 5 at the end of September. I was still in gifted programs throughout school. I even started college at 16 (the first 3 days that I went). I went to high school for a half day and then college. The second semester I just went to college. I had many classes with kids a year ahead of my and did better than most of them.
I say skip her ahead a grade and also work on challenging her. Than if she would like she can take a year off between high school and college and work jobs that she thinks she might want a career in. And that way she doesn't waste time in college taking classes for a career that she might later change her mind on.
Tough call. Personally, I wish I'd been allowed to graduate early from high school, but oh well. My daughter has an early Sept. b'day, and the local school district said NO WAY can she start 1st grade. Her pre-school kindergarten teachers and headmistress said she'd be bored out of her skull. We opted to bite the financial bullet and put her in a Montessori school, where she was the youngest in her 3-grade classroom. She thrived, was allowed to go as fast as she wanted (with mastery of course) and was nurtured socially as well. Don't know if this is an option for you, but food for thought. Daughter is now 11 (just turned), in the 6th grade at a public middle school (shudder) and adjusted quite well. We made the transition to public school in 4th grade, where she was placed in GT (gifted/talented) immediately. It was only a one day/week pull out program, but she lived for that day. You'll make a wise decision for your kiddo, and remember that you are her best teacher. Good luck.
I actually skipped 2 grades, 2nd and 7th. The second grade was more my parents idea. I had suggested since I had already taken 8th grade classes at 6th I be allowed to graduate! No one would allow that so I was officially placed in 8th grade. I graduated from HS the day I turned 16. My eldest daughter wanted to go to KG a year early but ex wouldn't. My 4 yo tells everyone she is in 2nd grade as I volunteer at my older girls school. I typically teach math to students with learning disabilities. My 4 yo beats most of the 2nd graders (and she just turned 4) She can also read simple words...Here she would not be allowed to start KG for 2 years, she would be 19 at graduation. The older a girl is in HS the more tempting sex is....(my littlest will be homeschooled...it would be cruel to her to stop her from learning just so she would be age appropriate.) For the record I have a graduate degree and have always been one the youngest (and shortest...never did grow vertically) I actually took advanced placement in HS, so had several college credits by 16...I was not a nerd...also made cheerleader, but tore up my knee skiing. My brother also skipped as a boy it is harder as a girl it was easy. Society tends to be better for girls younger, smaller...my brother did well though, graduate degree as well...and at 15 he wasn't even 5 ft tall but amazingly he was not picked on....was well liked. PM if you want to talk more