How much vitamin B complex should I give her?
Suggestion and dosing was at Post #72 👇
I usually get human B complex tablets around $9 at Walmart, and use 1/2 tablet daily. Crush it into a bit of water or food. Or you can buy cattle B complex at a feed store, and it is injectable, but can be given with a syringe. Dosage I think is 1/2 ml orally. You can stop the electrolytes if she is eating and drinking.
She’s doing pretty well. She had to come with me to a funeral in another state but she did just fine with the traveling and she got lots of outside playtime. She’s resting as she needs to, but she does spend a lot of the time with her flock in a fenced off section of her run. She's starting to scratch at the ground again and she's running with a little limp. Her down is nearly fully in and her skin that was ripped off is nearly new again.
She goes out to play outside around noon and comes back in around 7:30. She has food and water and a place to rest but also room to flap her wings. Should I be making her rest more?
She’s doing pretty well. She had to come with me to a funeral in another state but she did just fine with the traveling and she got lots of outside playtime. She’s resting as she needs to, but she does spend a lot of the time with her flock in a fenced off section of her run. She's starting to scratch at the ground again and she's running with a little limp. Her down is nearly fully in and her skin that was ripped off is nearly new again.
She goes out to play outside around noon and comes back in around 7:30. She has food and water and a place to rest but also room to flap her wings. Should I be making her rest more?
She seems to be doing amazing.
I think what you are doing right now is good enough, Great job!
Hey guys! I know it’s been a hot minute
Babygirl is fully recovered and beautifully moving, but she does definitely have some personality changes. She’s incredibly cautious with everything, and super clingy with me.
I’ve been having a lot of trouble reintegrating her into her flock, too. I did a couple weeks of putting her in a small portion of the run, and then, I gradually had them spend more and more time together face-to-face free ranging. I started with an hour, then a couple of hours, and yesterday, it was 3 hours. I’ve tried treats and feed and trying to associate positive things with her, but I understand it can be really stressful to just put one back in.
She’s not blending in well. Last night, I tried putting her in the coop on the roost while they all slept, and when I went out this morning, it was a little bit better, but not by much.
I removed the biggest bully and isolated her for the day. I did also put Babygirl in the big part of the run with the less aggressive two, but I’m checking in on them all the time.
What else can I do? I feel like I’m running out of options.
I would continue supervising some free ranging or being together. She might do better in a wire dog crate with food/water where she is with them, but they are not able to hurt her. Then, with more being together while supervised, give some treats while they are together, to let her feel more a part of the flock. Glad that she has healed and recovered.
I would continue supervising some free ranging or being together. She might do better in a wire dog crate with food/water where she is with them, but they are not able to hurt her. Then, with more being together while supervised, give some treats while they are together, to let her feel more a part of the flock. Glad that she has healed and recovered.

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