Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

well , I fell when I was 14 years old and broke my tail bone which resulted from me not ever to be able to dialate . I was 11 hours in hard labor and hemmoraging BIG TIME . the recovery time is longer with c-sections , but I really think I would rather c-sections then be split from A_ _ H_ _ _ to Apple's apple and be totally stretched ALL OUT of proportion , IF you know what I mean . ...
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Yes , and she was a big baby . 8 lbs. 6 oz. 21- 1/2 inches long . Well , big for me ,
I am only 5'2" and weighed 110 . My oldest brother in law weighed 11 1/2 pounds and 22 1/2 inches long and Mother in law was induced 2 weeks early she could not walk and swelling from toxemia . So , with that family history I was in a state of panic knowing the dr. kept saying , ITS A BIGGIE ....
I would NEVER have a c-section if given the option. NEVER. All three of my kids were over 8 pounds, one c-section for the middle born. Home birth for last out.
(I cracked my own tailbone falling off a horse when I was 12, just for the record) I don't think 8 pounds is big, I think its average size.

My mom was 5'2 she gave birth to all her kids the natural way - and myself being last out - was just over 10 pounds at birth.

Being able to birth children makes no difference to body size of either participant
and the popular belief that it makes one a little ummmmmmmmmmm larger down there - is total BS. (ask my husband) stories like that come out to scare people.

A doctor makes one HECK of a lot more money from a c-section than a natural birth, so most (not ALL) will tend to push toward that, it also makes their life super easy and on schedule, they can plan their vacations and not be woken in the middle of the night - they're HUMAN, they would rather it all be planned out.
c-sections are responsible for more maternal deaths than anything else, it takes 10 times longer to recover and can causes problems in the next pregnancy.
Hands DOWN, I would NEVER ever pick a c-section if I had a choice. If my doctor suggested one, I'd question him and get a second opinion. (as I did for my own c-section due to footling breech positioning of my son)
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Well , I had no option . She was so low in position and I could not dialate to deliver her . SO LOW they couldn't even examine me any further . And I was hemmoraging . Naturally at that time , I did not want a c-section , but I did want my baby healthy .
What a cute/funny story !!! Thats not the first time ive heard the "yah know what" trick !!!

Dont think i'd be able to sleep either if I knew it was planned !!

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