Update photos from Suprise Box

1. Light Brahma
2. Faverolle
3. Scillian Buttercup
4. Sumtra?
5. Do you have pics as a chick? Could be RIW, Leghorn, or a Rock
6. Cuckoo Marans
7. Olive Egger
8. Silver Duckwing Old English?
9. Appenzeller Spitzhauben
10. Black Australorp or Jersey Giant
11. Blue Ameraucana or an EE
12. Faverolle
13. Dark Brahma perhaps?
14. RIR
15. Can't see comb very well but I think it's rose so Dominque
16. EE
17. Buff Brahma
18. EE
19. Polish
20. Splash Laced Red Wyandotte
21. I think standard Barred Cochin.
22. Black Sex Link?
23. Lavender Ameraucana
24. Faverolle
25. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
26. Delaware
27. Can't see comb but guessing EE
28. Silver Spangled Hamburg
29. Silver Laced Wyandotte
30. Cream Legbar
31. Gold Laced Wyandotte
32. Dark Brahma
33. Gold Laced Wyandotte
34. Leghorn, RIW, or Rock
35. Faverolle
36. Not sure
37. Tolbunt Polish
38. Cuckoo Marans
39. Not sure
40. Black Marans
41. Red Sex Link
42. Barred Rock
43. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
44. Buff Orpington
45. Welsummer or Brown Leghorn
46. Speckled Sussex
47. Saipan?
48. Not sure
49. Welsummer or Brown Leghorn
50. Speckled Sussex
I don’t know most of the breeds, but 37 has a really big comb, and is probably a rooster. I know that isn’t what you’re asking, but in case it pertains to you choosing your future flock members.
Just to note, the numbering might be off from what others are saying, because some seem to be renumbering to include the unnumbered chicks you think you've identified. I've kept your numbering, and listed chicks as #.5 if they didn't have a number.

Chiming in on the wyandottes, since I'm most familiar with those, I agree that:

17 is a splash-laced red,
21 is probably not a wyandotte (black legs instead of the required yellow)
24.5 is definitely a silver-laced black, and is also almost certainly a rooster (very large red comb/waddles)
25.5 could be either black-laced red rather than black-laced gold
27 is a black-laced gold
36 might be a blue laced red
Ack! System overload. Too many photos at once. :barnie:he

1 Light Brahma

2 Wheaten Marans female

3 Ayam Cemani, maybe? Female.

4 White Leghorn. Probably male.

5 Cuckoo Marans. Cockerel, probably.

6 Easter egger Cockerel, probably.

7 Silver Phoenix or maybe an Easter egger. Female.

8 Australorp. Probably female.

9 Easter egger of some kind. Color looks too uneven to be a lavender Orpington, but maybe. Female.

10 Wheaten Marans, female.

11 Black Cochin, cockerel.

12 Rhode Island red. Probably a male, but not for sure.

13 Barred rock female.

14 Easter egger of some kind (one of the fancy ones.) Pullet so far.

15 Buff Brahma. Pullet so far.

16 Same as 14. Fancy Easter egger, pullet so far.

17 Splash laced red Wyandotte. Pullet so far.

The one you have labeled as a French Marans looks like a barred Cochin cockerel to me.

18 Australorp, probably. Female, probably.

19 Lavender Orpington female.

20 It's either a Salmon Faverolles or wheaten Marans. Can't tell if it has a beard or not, but if it does, then it's a Faverolles. Definitely female.

21 Easter egger of some kind. Pullet so far.

22 Delaware, probably. Pullet so far.

23 Can't see the comb, but if it has a rose comb then it's a Colombian Wyandotte. Female so far.

24 Silver spangled Hamburg female.

25 Cream Legbar or Lebar cross type of Easter egger. Female.

26 Dark Brahma female.

27 Gold laced Wyandotte. Probably female.

28 Maybe a white Jersey Giant, or maybe some type of layer hybrid. I wouldn't expect greenish legs from a Leghorn, so ruled that out. Female so far.

29 Wheaten Marans and definitely a female.

30 Probably a layer hybrid of some sort, or possibly a buff Plymouth rock, though I haven't seen them listed by hatcheries lately. I'm guessing it's a cockerel but too early to be sure.

31 Cuckoo Marans pullet.

32 Brown Leghorn or Welsumer cockerel.

33 Black copper Marans or olive egger. Pullet so far.

34 Hybrid of some kind, possibly Starlight Green egger. Cockerel, most likely.

35 Barred rock pullet

36 Blue laced red Wyandotte. Pullet so far.

The buff Orpington is probably a pullet.

The one you have labeled as a Buttercup isn't one. Probably a Legbar cross Easter egger or a Bielefelder. Have to wait on gender for this one.

38 Speckled Sussex. probably a pullet.

39 Maybe a Colombian Wyandotte, but it seems to have some beige tints going on, or maybe it's just the picture? If it does then it's most likely a hybrid of some sort.

40 Welsumer or brown Leghorn pullet.

41 Speckled Sussex cockerel.

Phew, that was a lot of chickies!

This one is not a Sicilian Buttercup. She has a single comb and yellow feet, Sicialians have a Buttercup comb (looks like a single but there's two of them) and green feet. Good guess, though!
Could be a Dorking, hard to say though, so many chicks have that coloring! 🤣

⬆️Either a Sumatra or an Ayam Cemani (less likely due to the rarity of the breed, but it could be!)

⬆️Feather-Legged Cuckoo Marans


⬆️Both Barred Rocks.

⬆️Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

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