Updated pics of Ayam Cemani (Shipped Eggs that Hatched 7/4/22)


7 Years
Shoot...I didn't mean to place this in the thread for breed/gender. It was supposed to be stories/pics of chickens. I could have sworn I picked that...I must be getting old! Can someone advise how to fix?

As promised - here are the updated pics. They've been out of the brooder and in their coop/run now for a while. I have them in large Snap-Lock coop (64"L x 39"W x 42"H,) encased in hardware cloth, and an attached 10x13 run.

I don't plan on keeping any more than 4-6 (6 is the absolute tops I'd keep of these birds since they're not great layers). Diablo is going to my husband's aunt who lives nearby in the next little while as he's an imperfect specimen. He's very sweet but has yellow toes and color bleed on the inside of his mouth - - in tandem with a lazy comb. The other 3 birds are great examples of their breed. Skin is black, feathers, toes, legs, combs/wattles. I do plan on when I hatch birds from both my Ameraucanas and these guys to have some cool Easter Eggers (will introduce one of each bird - females into both respective new pens with the respective rooster the existing breed).

These were shipped eggs from Hilltop Farms. The seller was great to work with and packed the eggs very carefully.

Diablo (getting a new home)
Mephisto (rooster we're keeping)
Adria (we put a red band on her today)
Leah (we put a purple band on her today)

Yes, my daughter named these birds after demons. ;)


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