Upper beak trim?


Dec 30, 2021
Kentucky, USA
One of my hens has a longer than normal beak. She hasn't been free ranging like normal, due to weather conditions, which I'm sure is why it's longer.

Should I attempt a trim? Or wait it out and hope she files it down?

If I should trim it, what's the best, safest way? I'm seeing some say to clip it with finger nail clippers but others saying to absolutely not do that.


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And it won't hurt? Or crack it?
Don't cut into the quick, and use something like a dog nail trimmer as it's designed for rounded cutting. If you are unsure its better to not do it. Beaks are similar to nails. It doesn't hurt if done correctly. I've trimmed a few beaks over the years. Some occasionally need help, along with nails and spurs.
Don't cut into the quick, and use something like a dog nail trimmer as it's designed for rounded cutting. If you are unsure its better to not do it. Beaks are similar to nails. It doesn't hurt if done correctly. I've trimmed a few beaks over the years. Some occasionally need help, along with nails and spurs.
I've done her nails before but how do I know where the quick is in her beak? I'm thinking just take off the very tiny end?

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