Used sand for the run?


Apr 29, 2024
Hello all,

We're in the process of finishing up our coop and run. The run is mostly done, and our chickens are in there having a blast. Currently, the ground is dirk and a bit of moss left over from pre-coop/run days.

We have a "natural" sandbox that the previous owners put in that sits between 2 large red cedar trees. We've been here for 3 years, so I'm guessing this is at least 5 if not 10 years old. The sand in it is pretty course, so I'm thinking that it's probably construction sand rather than play sand. The only thing my son has done with it is turn it into a "wild-life refuge" for small animals trying to escape predators (not that we've ever seen it used that way, but hey, it kept him busy!)

My question is this: we're about to turn the sandbox into a water feature, and will be removing all of that sand. Are there good reasons that we *shouldn't* put the sand in the run? The run is covered, so we don't have issues with wetness, but I think the girls want something that they can roll around in a bit more than what they have. I was thinking to put sand in one corner (about 20% of the run) to give them a place to dust bathe because that corner gets a good amount of sun in the morning. (The only thing we've found in it over the last 3 years is buried treasure...small models of dinosaurs, animals, cars, etc. Must have been great for the little boys that lived here before us!)
I've seen several use sand. We're putting sand in one section - as soon as it cools down enough for us to actually do the heavy moving lol
I have to, but I'm not sure if there are worries about contaminants or things like bacteria that I should worry about but haven't given much thought to....

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